So...I am so exited that Nancy from fanceeenancee gave me a blog award. This is my first so I'm so exited and honored. Thank you Nancy. It really means a lot to me. You inspire me as well. I've been doing this for a year now and I think it's time to improve and do more personal posts as well as all the things that inspire me. Your comments and emails mean the world to me. So keep them coming dolls.
You can also give your favorite bloggers an award. Here are the rules:
1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you
2. Complete the form below.3. Write 7 random things about yourself
4. Award 15 bloggers this award and notify them
Name your favorite color - well, I mostly wear black, but I do love blue
Name your favorite desert - It has to be chocolate cake. I love cake
What pisses you off- People with double standards and people telling other how to act
When your upset you - ask the people close to me...
Your favorite pet - Love kittens, epecially grey striped ones. And my four fish (the Fantastic Four)
Black or white - Black without doubt
Your biggest fear - loosing the ones that I love
Best feature - My man will say my hair, hands and eyes, but as it's only him who sees my hair I will have to say my eyes
What is perfection - does it exist?
Gulity Pleasure - Coca Cola!
7 random things about me:
1. I love love love all things Kardashian. I can watch the same episode over and over again. People say I am obsessed. Well maybe I am, but their style are like no other.
2. My favorite high street stores are H&M and Zara.
3. I love to buy clothes and jewelry and makeup - People say that I'm a shopaholic, but my savings do say somethings else people! I have proof..:)
4. I am a muslim and wear hijab, but that doesn't mean I can't be fashionable!
5. Jewelry are my thing - especially gold ones
6. I love decorating. I would love to have my own business decorating for other people, or have my own fashion store.
7. Musicwise I love Rihanna, Neyo and Beyoncé.
I really love a lot of blogs and follow a lot, and find new ones all the time, but I do have some favorites. Here they are in random order. I love Nancy's blog too, but since she gave me an award she's not on the list.
1. confashionsfromkuwait - great posts with fashions from the Middleeast
2.hudabeauty - she has the best advise on all things beauty. I've learned so much from her.
3.ginger-chocolateandhoney - lovely posts with everything from fashion to food - Moroccan style
4.Golden - love her laid back style
5.hrhcollection - talented girl who also makes her own jewelry. LOVE her style
6.myfashdiary - Girl from Dubai with great fashion style. Love her outfits of the day posts
7.fatimasfashion - love the posts with the things she likes.
8.makeupaddict-sabina - beautiful girl with a talent in makeup
9.daybydiva - love this hijabi's style. So down my alley.
10.officialkourtneyk - do I have to say anything. I love love love Kourtney's style.
11.kimkardashian - another love. Love all her posts. Amazing style
12.trineswardrobe - great posts. read them every day
13.yazthespaz89 - fun loving hijabi.
14.kendallandkylie - fun beautiful girls with a pretty new blog
15.styleintuition - love her posts.
Yet again.. I really love so many blogs and each one is unique and special. These are only my favorite blogs on fashion and makeup. I also think I'll do one of these on my interior blog a-touch-of-luxe