Today I have a guest post from Susan over at
Charming Lucy all about fashion for teens.
As the mom of a tween girl, I find it difficult to find fashion tips for young ladies on blogs. So, this post is for my daughter and her friends, as well as for anyone who loves a tween/teen girl and wants to help her dress like a cool little lady! As the mother of a soon-to-be teenage girl, I need to be current on all of the fashion trends! I have a few rules for my daughter, which she happily follows, but she has always had her own style. I love watching her put together outfits and add accessories to her wardrobe. Our fashion rules are simple; cover your stomach and hind end, as well as other body parts that are meant to be kept private, and no clothing with inappropriate words or sayings. I have always taught my daughter that beauty is internal and fashion is a way to express yourself. However, as Christians, we are responsible for dressing in a manner that brings glory to God. So, I have come up with a few tips for building a wardrobe for your tween. 1. You must have core pieces in your closet. These pieces will act as your backbone for your wardrobe. Dark denim, neutral tees, leggings, a button-down blouse, several versatile belts, and basic sweaters are a must. A closet full of blinged out sweatshirts will quickly go out of style. Use the majority of your clothing budget to purchase wardrobe basics. Then, leave a certain amount of your budget for purchasing the latest trend.

2. Be Yourself. I am sure that Lucy tires of all the things I try to teach her about fashion. I do hope that she remembers to wear what works for her. Wear what makes you feel pretty and you will always look pretty. Think about what activities you are doing that day and what will be appropriate to wear for certain events. Assess your figure and wear what flatters you. Just because it looks fabulous on your friend, does not mean that it will work for you. Wear what suits your lifestyle and body type. And remember...ultra-tight looks good on no one!
3. Trends are fabulous, in moderation. If you fill your closet with the latest and greatest teen trend, your entire wardrobe will be out of style in two months. Use the majority of your clothing budget to purchase wardrobe basics. Then, purchase one or two fun pieces that you can mix and match into your everyday style.
4. Learn to love knock-offs and hand-me-downs. If you spend your entire budget on that new crossbody bag your friend got for Christmas, you won't have any money left to buy anything else! Try shopping at thrift stores, as you can often find items with tags still attached! Host a clothing swap with your friends. That purple peplum top that has been hanging in your closet for a year may be a treasure for someone else!

Great style is a learned art. You will find your fashion groove over the next few years. Just be true to yourself, follow your family dress code rules, and have fun! I would love to hear any ideas or suggestions from my tween/teen friends! Have a blessed day and happy shopping!